Mission Statement
Promote active citizen involvement and education in government and politics through the formation and support of grassroots, Republican clubs across America.
Free Government Requires Active Citizens
We are a chapter of the National Grand Order of Pachyderm Clubs, affiliated with the Republican National Committee. Our mission is to provide a practical means for broad citizen participation in politics; to promote practical political education and dissemination of information on our political system; to promote the development of potential leaders; to assist in carrying out the purposes of the Republican Party, whose purposes, we believe, include:
- Provide leadership in government.
- Protect individual rights and freedom.
- Promote clean government with local emphasis.
- Keep the public informed on the status of their government.

The Republican Credo
I Believe …
- That citizens should vote on all tax increases and the salaries of elected officials.
- That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government.
- That the free enterprise system is the best system for America.
- That schools should be controlled by local school boards and parents… NOT the Federal Government.
- That the most effective government is government that is close to the people.
- That government activities should be limited to those things which people cannot do well or do at all.
- That the preservation of our nation and the freedom and security of its citizens depends upon upholding the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
- That those people who cannot help themselves should be helped jointly by the government and the community to make them self-supporting, productive, independent citizens.
- That faith in God, as recognized by our founding fathers, is essential to the ethical and moral fiber of our country.